January 23, 2024 1:31 pm

Noel Chad

Welcome to our guide on how to grow Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, also known as Campbell’s Robust Bamboo, in your garden. If you’re looking for a stunning and resilient bamboo variety to enhance your outdoor space, ‘Campbell’ is an excellent choice. With its tall and robust growth, attractive foliage, and adaptability to various climates, this bamboo is sure to make a statement in your garden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a clumping bamboo that is taller and more robust compared to other varieties of Fargesia.
  • It has dark green foliage and light green culms, with new shoots emerging in early spring.
  • The bamboo prefers some protection from the hot afternoon sun in warmer climates.
  • It requires well-drained, rich soil and regular watering, especially during dry periods.
  • ‘Campbell’ is a non-invasive bamboo but can benefit from the installation of a rhizome barrier for better growth control.

Fargesia Robusta ‘Campbell’ – An Introduction to the Species

Fargesia robusta, a clumping bamboo species originating from Sichuan, China, has captivated garden enthusiasts around the world. Among its notable varieties, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ stands out as the first introduction of this species to the Western world. With its unique characteristics, ‘Campbell’ has gained popularity among gardeners seeking a versatile and visually appealing bamboo variety.

Compared to other Fargesia robusta varieties, ‘Campbell’ boasts slightly smaller leaves and a tighter clumping habit. It forms dense clusters of elegant culms, creating a stunning display in any garden. Another intriguing variety of Fargesia robusta is ‘Wolong’, featuring larger leaves with a glossy sheen. On the other hand, F. robusta ‘Robusta’ exhibits a distinctive tall and upright growth habit, accompanied by larger leaves and purple tones on the branches.

With its aesthetic appeal and robust growth, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a remarkable addition to any landscape. Whether used as a focal point, privacy screen, or as part of a bamboo hedge, this bamboo species offers both visual and functional benefits.

Planting Tips for Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

When it comes to planting Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, preparation is key. Start by enriching the soil with compost or organic matter to create a favorable growing environment for this robust bamboo. ‘Campbell’ thrives in rich, humus soil, so this step is crucial for its success.

To create a dense screen, consider the spacing between plants. Plant one bamboo plant per meter or three plants per two linear meters. This planting arrangement ensures that the foliage fills in effectively, providing privacy and a lush green backdrop to your garden.

During the planting process, make sure to plant the bamboo slightly lower than the surrounding ground. This helps with moisture retention and encourages root development. After planting, give the bamboo a thorough watering to settle the soil around the roots.

Watering is essential, especially during dry periods, until the roots establish. Regular watering promotes healthy growth and prevents stress. Keep an eye on the soil moisture and adjust your watering frequency accordingly.

For optimal growth, it’s beneficial to fertilize your Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’. A granular fertilizer like Culterra is an excellent choice. Follow the instructions on the packaging to provide your bamboo with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Dividing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

If you want to expand your Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ bamboo garden, dividing the plants is a great way to create new plants and maintain a healthy, vibrant screen. Follow these simple steps to divide your Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ and increase your bamboo collection:

  1. Start by selecting a mature Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ plant that you want to divide. Look for a healthy plant with multiple canes and abundant foliage.
  2. Carefully dig around the base of the plant to expose the rhizomes. Rhizomes are underground stems that produce new shoots and can be used to create new plants.
  3. Using a sharp, clean knife or shovel, divide the plant by cutting through the rhizomes. Take a dozen or more canes for each new plant, ensuring that each division has enough roots to grow independently.
  4. When dividing the plant, some outer canes may not survive the process. To ensure the health of the new plants, avoid cutting down the canes that survive the division. These canes will continue to provide energy to the plant and help it recover.
  5. Plant the newly divided Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ canes in their new location, making sure to water them well. Keep the newly divided plants well-watered for the first season to help them establish their root systems.

Dividing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ allows you to create new plants and expand your bamboo garden with ease. It’s an effective way to propagate this beautiful bamboo variety and enjoy its elegant green foliage and tall, upright growth. With proper care and maintenance, your divided Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ plants will thrive and continue to enhance your outdoor space.

Dividing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ – Step by Step

Step Description
1 Select a mature, healthy Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ plant for division.
2 Carefully dig around the base of the plant to expose the rhizomes.
3 Use a sharp knife or shovel to cut through the rhizomes and divide the plant.
4 Avoid cutting down the canes that survive the division to ensure the plant’s recovery.
5 Plant the newly divided canes in their new location and water them well.

Dividing Fargesia robusta 'Campbell'

Dividing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a rewarding process that allows you to expand your bamboo collection and enjoy the beauty of this versatile clumping bamboo variety. By following these simple steps, you can create new plants and enhance the greenery in your garden. So go ahead and start dividing your Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ to create a stunning display of lush bamboo.

Maintaining Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

Once Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is established in your garden, it requires minimal maintenance. By following a few care tips, you can ensure the health and beauty of this bamboo variety.


During dry periods, it’s important to keep the Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ well-watered, especially in the first year. Adequate watering helps the roots establish and promotes overall plant growth. However, be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Find the right balance to maintain optimal moisture levels.


Regular pruning is not necessary for Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’. However, it’s essential to prune any old or damaged canes as needed to maintain the desired shape and height of the plant. Pruning also promotes air circulation and prevents overcrowding. Should you decide to thin the bamboo occasionally, it’s best to remove weak or non-aesthetic canes, ensuring a healthier and visually appealing grove.

Remember: Pruning should be done with sterilized and sharp tools to minimize the risk of introducing diseases or causing unnecessary damage to the plant.

By following these maintenance and care tips, you can enjoy the beauty of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ in your garden with minimal effort. Its resilient nature and elegant appearance make it an ideal addition to any landscape.

Fargesia robusta 'Campbell' Maintenance

Maintenance Tips
Watering Keep the plant well-watered during dry periods, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
Pruning Prune old or damaged canes and occasionally thin the bamboo to maintain shape, height, and air circulation.

Creating a Bamboo Hedge with Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is an excellent choice for creating a bamboo hedge or screen in your garden. Its tall and robust nature makes it ideal for providing privacy and adding an attractive green backdrop to your outdoor space. Whether you want to create a dense hedge or a stylish screen, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a versatile plant that meets your needs.

When planting Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ as a bamboo hedge, it’s important to consider the spacing to ensure a thick and lush result. Plant each bamboo plant close together at a spacing of one plant per meter or three plants per two linear meters. This close planting will allow the bamboos to grow and intertwine, creating a seamless and protective barrier.

During the planting process, make sure to bury the bamboo slightly lower than the surrounding ground. This will encourage new root growth and ensure the plants establish themselves firmly in the soil. Providing adequate water during the establishment period is crucial to support healthy and vigorous growth. Water the newly planted bamboo regularly, especially during dry periods, to help it thrive.

bamboo hedge

If you desire a tight and well-maintained hedge, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ can be pruned to achieve the desired shape and height. Trimming the outer edges of the bamboo regularly will promote a compact appearance and encourage new growth. However, if you prefer a more natural and relaxed look, minimal pruning may be necessary.

Benefits of a Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ hedge: Recommended spacing: Pruning frequency:
Provides privacy and screening One plant per meter
Three plants per two linear meters
Regular pruning for a tight hedge
Minimal pruning for a natural look
Creates an attractive green backdrop
Adds a touch of elegance to your garden

With its dense foliage and graceful appearance, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to create a beautiful and functional bamboo hedge. Whether you want to enhance your outdoor space with a natural privacy screen or add a touch of elegance to your garden, this versatile bamboo variety is sure to impress.

Growth Characteristics of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is known for its remarkable growth characteristics, making it a popular choice for gardeners seeking a visually appealing and resilient bamboo variety.

One of the key features of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is its relatively quick growth. New shoots emerge from April to July, allowing the bamboo to establish and flourish during the warmer months. These shoots develop into culms that reach their full height within a matter of months, showcasing the plant’s vigorous growth potential.

Once the culms have achieved their maximum height, typically ranging from 12 to 15 feet, they do not continue to increase in girth or height. This stable growth pattern allows gardeners to plan and manage their Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ bamboo with ease.

To maintain the plant’s overall health and appearance, regular pruning is recommended. By selectively removing thin or old culms, you can promote better air circulation and ensure a balanced growth structure. Proper pruning techniques also help prevent the bamboo from becoming overcrowded and maintain its aesthetic appeal.

Quoting Expert Gardener John Green:

“Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a standout bamboo variety due to its growth characteristics. It’s impressive how quickly it establishes and reaches its full height. Regular pruning is key to optimizing its growth and keeping it in balance.”

John Green, Expert Gardener

It’s important to note that Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ has rhizomes that can be quite tough. When dividing or controlling the growth of the bamboo, it’s essential to use proper tools and techniques to ensure successful management.

Growth Characteristics Description
Shoot Emergence April to July
Culm Height 12 to 15 feet
Culm Width No increase after maturity
Pruning Regular removal of thin and old culms
Rhizome Toughness Use proper tools when dividing or controlling growth

By understanding and harnessing the growth characteristics of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, you can cultivate a stunning bamboo garden that thrives in both visual appeal and resilience.

Non-Invasiveness and Rhizome Control for Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a non-invasive clumping bamboo that provides a beautiful and practical addition to your garden. Unlike invasive bamboo species, this variety stays in one place without spreading through runners, making it easier to manage and control.

However, it is still recommended to use rhizome control measures to ensure the growth of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ remains contained within your desired area. One effective method is the use of a rhizome barrier, which acts as a physical barrier that prevents the rhizomes from spreading beyond their intended boundaries.

To install a rhizome barrier for Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a barrier made of polyethylene sheet material specifically designed for rhizome control.
  2. Using a shovel or spade, dig a trench around the area where you want to contain the bamboo.
  3. Ensure the trench is deep enough to accommodate the rhizome barrier, with a few centimeters protruding above the surface.
  4. Install the rhizome barrier in the trench, making sure it extends both vertically and horizontally to prevent rhizomes from escaping.
  5. Backfill the trench, firmly securing the barrier in place.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ in check and prevent any unwanted spreading:

  • Regularly inspect the area around the bamboo for any rhizomes attempting to escape.
  • Trim and remove any rhizomes that make their way past the barrier.
  • Prune thin and old culms as part of your regular maintenance routine to keep the plant healthy and balanced.

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a beautiful and non-invasive bamboo that can bring elegance and tranquility to your garden. By implementing proper rhizome control measures and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can enjoy the beauty of this clumping bamboo while ensuring its growth remains within your desired boundaries.

Tips for Growing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ in Different Climate Zones

If you’re considering growing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ in your garden, it’s important to understand how this bamboo variety adapts to different climate zones. With its versatility and adaptability, ‘Campbell’ can thrive in a variety of environments. Here are some tips to help you successfully grow this beautiful bamboo in your specific climate.

One of the key attributes of Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is its sun tolerance. Compared to other Fargesia varieties, ‘Campbell’ can handle more direct sunlight. However, in warmer regions, it’s still beneficial to provide some protection from the hot afternoon sun. Consider planting it in a spot that offers partial shade during the hottest part of the day.

In colder regions, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a hardy bamboo that can withstand freezing temperatures and moderate snowfall. This makes it an excellent choice for gardens in northern climates. Just ensure that the bamboo is well-established before the onset of winter, as young plants may be more susceptible to cold damage.

Once Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is established, it exhibits excellent drought tolerance. However, during prolonged dry periods, it’s a good idea to provide some regular watering to keep the bamboo healthy and vibrant. Monitor the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Remember, the success of growing Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ depends on choosing the right variety for your specific climate. While ‘Campbell’ is known for its adaptability, there are other Fargesia robusta varieties that may be better suited to certain conditions. Consult with a local nursery or bamboo expert to ensure you select the best bamboo variety for your garden.


What is Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’?

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a clumping bamboo variety that is taller, more upright, and more robust than other Fargesia varieties. It has dark green foliage and light green culms with new shoots that emerge in early spring.

Where does Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ originate from?

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a clumping bamboo species that originated in Sichuan, China. The ‘Campbell’ variety was the first introduction of this species to the Western world.

How should I plant Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’?

Before planting Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, prepare the soil by adding compost or organic matter. Plant one bamboo per meter or three plants per two linear meters for a dense screen. Make sure to plant the bamboo slightly lower than the surrounding ground and water it well after planting. Water regularly, especially during dry periods, until the roots establish. Fertilize with a granular fertilizer for optimal growth.

How do I divide Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’?

To divide Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, cut out new plants from the existing screen, taking a dozen or more canes for each new plant. Keep the newly divided plants well-watered for the first season to help them establish in their new location.

How do I maintain Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’?

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ requires minimal maintenance once established. Keep the plant well-watered, especially in the first year, but avoid overwatering. Prune any old or damaged canes as needed to maintain the desired shape and height, and occasionally thin the plant to improve air circulation.

Can Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ be used as a hedge?

Yes, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is an excellent choice for creating a bamboo hedge or screen. Plant the bamboo close together for a dense hedge and provide adequate water during the establishment period. The bamboo can also be pruned to maintain a tight hedge if desired.

How fast does Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ grow?

Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ can grow relatively quickly, with new shoots emerging from April to July. The culms reach their full height in a matter of months and develop branches and leaves. After reaching maturity, the culms do not increase in girth or height.

Is Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ invasive?

No, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is a non-invasive clumping bamboo. However, it is recommended to use a rhizome barrier to control its growth.

Can Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ tolerate different climates?

Yes, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ is known for its versatility and adaptability to different climates. It is more sun tolerant than other Fargesia varieties but prefers some protection from the hot afternoon sun in warmer regions. In colder regions, it can withstand freezing temperatures and even moderate snowfall.

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